Our Services


Delivering effective and efficient communication is at our core. We design, develop and implement integrated communications strategies that consider all aspects of your business.

Media relations

Communicating and working effectively with the media requires a clear understanding of their needs. We can help tell your story by talking to the most appropriate journalists and media practitioners – in print, broadcast, online and social media – and tailoring your message accordingly.

Government and industry relations

Navigating the regulatory environment and dealing with government is no mean feat.  Our team of advisers and consultants can help you establish, nurture and manage relationships with all levels of government agencies and industry bodies to ensure that you’re on top of relevant rules, regulations and issues that directly impact your business.

Brand positioning and corporate reputation building

A good and positive reputation is vital for business success. You may be entering a new market, re-positioning your company, or expanding your brand and company reach.  We can develop and manage the complex and critical strategy that can preserve and advance your reputation.

Media training and presentation

Dealing with the media can be daunting, particularly if you’re not prepared. Our media training specialists have several decades of actual broadcast and print media experience, as well as the teaching of these skills. You can count on us to give you the ‘real deal’ when it comes to your preparations for that important media interview or public speaking engagement.

Issues and crisis management

In this 24/7 world of constant and instant communication, a seemingly small issue managed improperly, can quickly escalate into a crisis. We have decades of experience in dealing with and managing critical issues and crisis environments. From identifying your stakeholders to crafting and delivering your message, we will work with you throughout the entire situation.
